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Teenagers are doing the 'Kylie Jenner lip challenge' and it's legit horrifying

Do NOT try this at home.

THESE ARE KYLIE Jenner’s lips.

Baby Source: kyliejenner

They are the envy of teenagers all over the world.

Over the past week, teenagers have been participating in something called the #kyliejennerlipchallenge. The challenge sees teens placing bottles or jars over the mouth and sucking in the air, causing their lips to swell.

It’s honestly horrifying.

Seriously, look.

Source: luvyalike.xo

Bruhhhhh Source: luvyalike.xo

Won’t somebody think of the chins?

The challenge has left many aspiring Kylie Jenners with bruising and many are living to regret taking part.

Oh, teens. When will they ever learn?

A little tip for next time? Just draw them on.

Justin Timberlake shared a photo of his tiny son and the internet can’t cope >

Woman’s attempt at getting Kylie Jenner lips goes spectacularly wrong >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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